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Stalking The Truth

December 31, 2009

Mentally Challenged

Live! From Pulau Selma, it's your USGenWeb B.S.!!

(Our apology to Jeff Murphy, USGenWeb Founder for modifying his term USGenWeb B.S. into USGenWeb Board Stuff)

We found a message on the SW list not long ago where a CC requested two items be added to the Advisory Board Agenda:

1. Discussion of what the consequences should be for SCs who refuse to uphold the rules of the Project.

2. Discussion of what the consequences should be for members of the AB including the NC who refuse to uphold the rules of the Project.

This prompted us to ask the CC, what's up? "I would like to challenge the AB to discuss items that are actually of importance to the well-being of the USGenWeb as a whole," sayeth the CC to the AB, "Seeing as though the #1 and #2 bylaw-mandated duties of the AB are to uphold the bylaws and the Rights of Members, I would like to propose two items to be added to the AB Agenda.

"These items are of importance because historically, the vast majority of grievances are CC vs. SC for the SC refusing to uphold rules; and because historically, the AB only upholds rules when the member-in-question is of the proper political clique."

The AB was stunned into an Alfred E Newman, "What, me worry?" mentally challenged stupor. The AB has been very busy in their sekrit sanbox (the Board-Exec list) stabbing each other in the back with distrust and infighting. They are not up to the challenge, They are busy with other very important USGenWeb business: what to re-name the Webmaster (Web Site manager); how to re-draft the CC & SC Guidelines (appoint a committee because they can't do it them selves); re-doing Motions (because they can't get the year right the first time); and of course their own person agenda items (how to get revenge on the CCs they don't like).

Sooner or later -- and probably sooner than later -- the AB will have to learn how to deal with the faults of USGenWeb leadership, including their own.

Selamat Tahun Baru,
(Happy New Year)
Mary White

December 17, 2009


This reporter is in receipt of six messages sent within 2.5 hours on December 13, 2009 from Nola Duffy, NCGenWeb CC and former ASC, comprising of no less than 2,068 words harassing another USGenWeb CC.

The CC being harassed is the same CC Nola Duffy has been harassing ever since 2003. Knowing that the CC is mentally disabled, according to a message posted on a public list July 31, 2007 Duffy admits to the harassment intended to cause the already disabled CC more bodily harm: "... as for saying I would intentionally cause you [the CC] emotional duress, it was part of a private message," Duffy confessed.

"I have told you over and over again, year after year, to stop harassing, stalking, and intimidating me," was in the reply from the CC to Duffy's first message. The CC had to repeat, "STOP HARASSING ME" three additional times in progressively larger font before Duffy ceased.

The event of December 13 was preceded with another four harassing messages sent to the disabled CC by Nola Duffy on December 7th and 8th with no less than 1,694 words.

So what was Nola's December 13th problem? She did not like our Blog post of December 7, 2009 being made known to her fellow NCGenWeb CCs exposing her intentional harassment of the disabled CC. Nola has threatened to sue this reporter, "if all references to my name or references to the NCGenWeb are not removed immediately."

Duffy goes on (and on and on and on): "It [sic: If] requested to do so, I will also pay any legal expenses to sue on behalf of the entire the entire [sic] USGenWeb if the blatantly false information and Daryl's threats of pending litigation against the entire USGenWeb are not removed at the same time. This offer has already been made to the AB so it is up to them to decide. Daryl has absolutely no legal basis or any cause of action so his threats can only be designed to further disrupt the USGenWeb."

Sigh, this is what happens when someone is ill-informed as to what the word "fair" means. Not to mention the Rights of Members. This reporter has seen 'Daryl vs. USGenWeb Corruption' and it is beyond any reasonable doubt that Daryl was denied multiple Rights of Members multiple times. Daryl is simply following another Right mentioned in the Sturgis Rights of Members chapter, "If any of the associational, property, or parliamentary rights of a member are violated, legal action may be taken against the organization." For those not familiar, Sturgis is the rule book of the Advisory Board who have participated in the denial of Rights.

The subject of harassment is being discussed on Board-Exec, the sekrit sandbox of the Advisory Board. The harassed CC reports having complained to the AB several times since 2003, but the AB refused to anything about it. The CC even sent a Motion to the AB declaring Nola an Member Not In Good Standing, for the harassment, but the AB denied the CC their right to present motions. Motions are presented on the Board list.


December 07, 2009

To NCGenWeb CCs

An open letter to the NCGenWeb CCs:

It has come to my attention that giving personal contact information (home address) to NCGenWeb leadership is being discussed. You will soon be asked to vote on whether of not you should be required to provide that information to NCGenWeb leadership. I have some NCGenWeb history to share with you.

When Derick Hartshorn was NCGenWeb State Coordinator, he used personal contact information to conduct vendettas against NCGenWeb CC. This consisted of libel, harassment, threats and intimidation. Not only did he use RootsWeb lists, he also used his NCGenWeb genealogy site to construct a hate website against the CCs containing libel, harassment, threats and intimidation. Derick even had someone drive by one ot the CCs home and take a picture of it, using it as "I know where you live" intimidation.

The vendetta was so severe that when RootsWeb found out they ordered Derick to never again mention the names of the CC on any RootsWeb list or website, nor even allude to the CCs, or he would be barred from accessing any RootsWeb service. This led to an Advisory Board member making a motion to declare Derick an Member Not In Good Standing. Later, Derick resignes as SC. That motion is located here.

Former NCGenWeb ASC Nola Duffy has also used NCGenWeb CCs personal contact information to conduct vendettas of libel, harassment, and intimidation against NCGenWeb CCs. Nola has used NCGenWeb CCs personal contact information to conduct investigations of the CCs to find out who their parents, siblings and friends were, and even to locate medical history information.

Just a Nola had no second thoughts about incorporating NCGenWeb behind the backs of the bast majority of the NCGenWeb CC, Nola had no qualms about admitting her harassment of the CCs via misusing their personal contact information. On a public non-USGenWeb list Nola admitted that one of her reasons for being in the USGenWeb was to harass a former NCGenWeb CC with the intent of causing the CC mental duress, knowing that the CC was mentally disabled.

Quoting Nola's message: "I plead guilty to those statements that are my direct quotes and as for saying I would intentionally cause your [the CC] emotional duress, it was part of a private message...."

NCGenWeb leadership has an established history of not being trustworthy with the CCs personal contact information. NCGenWeb leadership does not want you to know the true reason for gathering personal contact information - to investigate your identity.

NCGenWeb and the USGenWeb have many fine sites and honest CCs. I look forward to when the CCs take matters into their own hands and help stomp out the corruption. Then I will have nothing to write about!

Comments on this issue can be made on the Blog with or without using your name, but are held for approval. If you request so, comments to me can be re-posted on the Blog without using your name. Please be aware that using your real name in exercising your right of free speech may result in harassment of yourself by the corrupt.

We look forward to reading Derick and Nola's replies posted on your Discuss list. Note the rambling, not always coherent triad' with mention of magical CCs in the USGenWeb for 14 years with the purpose of destroying the NCGenWeb; and how Derick and Nola personally saved NCGenWeb from the evil ones. If you believe them, I have a bridge for sale which you would be interested in buying.

Mary White
Stalking the Truth About the USGenWeb
Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American Way

November 12, 2009


The below rather suspicious message was found on the SW list:

> From: xxxxx xxxxx
> To:
> Date: 11/8/2009 10:59:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [USGENWEB-SW] Agenda Item: Private

> Grievance Committee mail list
> I don't think this is a good idea.
> One of the primary reasons for establishing the GC, was

> to take the issue of grievances out of the hands of the
> AB, and we have already seen this fail, when the
> previous NC told the GC that someone who volunteered
> as a mediator wasn't acceptable to the NC ... whereas
> the NC / AB are supposed to have nothing to do with
> the selection of mediators & arbitrators. This was done
> when the NC was not subbed to the GCs private list ...
> who knows how else an NC might interfer, or try to
> control the GC, if the NC
were subbed?
> Secondly ... the confidentiality clause in the GC

> Procedures only addresses the volunteer members of
> the GC, not the NC as an ex-offico member, because the
> Procedures voted into place by the Membership don't
> include the NC being subbed to the GC private list. I'm
> sorry if it sounds like I don't trust NCs, my reason is in
> the above paragraph.
> Thirdly ... the NC / AB already can't even address the

> most basic elements of the GC, in that the current GC
> Chair does not qualify to be on the GC in the first place,
> according to the Bylaws & GC Procedures voted into
> place by the Membership.
> xxxxx
> > [Original Message]
> > From: xxxxx xxxxx
> > To:
> > Date: 11/5/2009 7:28:40 PM
> > Subject: [USGENWEB-SW] Agenda Item: Private

>> Grievance
Committee mail list
> >
> > Any comments/questions/discussion concerning the

> > following
agenda item currently under discussion?
> >
> > Agenda Item: Private Grievance Committee mail list:

> > Discussion of requirement to subscribe the NC and/or
> > alternate AB member
and under what circumstances.
> >
> > You can follow the discussion here:
> >

> >read/USGENWEB-

What makes it suspicious? Several members of the Advisory Board and the National Coordinator are subscribed to the SW list, and none asked about the chair of the Grievance Committee not being quallified to be a member of the GC.

We checked out the claim of xxxxx xxxxx and discovered that members of the GC "must have a minimum of one year's continuous service as a Member in Good Standing of either a State Project or a recognized Special Project of the USGenWeb Project," according to the Grievance Committee Procedures.

According to the USGenWeb bylaws a Member In Good Standing is one, "serving as a good example of the guidelines and standards of The USGenWeb Project." The chair of the Grievance Committee, NCGenWeb State Coordinator Diane Siniard, is known to have expelled at least two CCs with no fair hearing. Having a fair hearing before being expelled is a USGenWeb Rights of Members.

Since the Advisory Board is well aware of the actions of Diane Sinard, we can only assume that the AB approves of her actions, and is of the opinion that a State Coordinator willfully violating the Rights of Members serves "as a good example of the guidelines and standards of The USGenWeb Project."

We have a different opinion. We believe that any State Coordinator who willfully violates the rules of the USGenWeb, is a part of the USGenWeb corrupt leadership and should be declared an Member Not In Good Standing.

The Advisory Board condoning the actions of corrupt State Coordinators by refusing to do anything about those situations, will become a serious issue haunting the AB and the USGenWeb.

Mary White

October 31, 2009

News - Oct 17 2009

What's this? The Grievance Committee made its 2nd Quarter Report on September 18, 2009 and it was posted on the Board list October 1st. We're not sure which calendar the GC uses, but for the rest of us the 2nd quarter ends in June. The report revealed that two USGenWeb members answered the call for volunteer arbitrators and mediators, but, "One was not acceptable per Tina Vickery National Coordinator...."

Tina "Mighty Tiny" Vickery fired back the same day with, "The Grievance Committee report as filed is misleading to the Project. The report should be devoid of detail thus protecting the identity of all parties involved." We can't blame Tiny for wanting the corruption hidden from the Membership. But what the heck, doesn't everyone already know?

According to the GC Procedures, neither the NC nor the AB is to be involved with deciding who can and who can not be arbitrators and mediators -- that is a duty of the GC them selves. The AB already hand-picks the members of the GC, they are the ones who decide if, for instance, a grievance against the NC should be accepted or rejected. And now we learn that the NC is also hand-picking arbitrators and mediators.

Is this corruption? We report, you decide! Can a grievance against the NC / AB receive a fair hearing, if the NC / AB picks those who are in charge of reviewing and hearing the grievance?

In other news -- W. David "WD-40" Samuelsen, in the past an embarrassment only unto himself, now as a member of the AB also has the pleasure of embarrassing them, as well. On October 4th Samuelsen posts to Board, "Susan declined to appeal. Daryl is one trying to take over her grievance and continue to stir the wasp's nest. He has no leg to stand on."

This reporter investigated Samuelsen's claim to know the facts, and found no evidence of Daryl being a double amputee.

Samuelsen's post earned an admonishment from NC Sherri, "I would remind you that this is a personnel matter and does not belong on this public list. Please move any comments to BOARD-EXEC."

Samuelsen's post was in response to AB member Denise Wells post, "Is there anything that we need to do or be attuned to with the current debacle going on in North Carolina between Susan and the SC?"

A debacle in NCGenWeb? Shades of Derick "The Mad" Hartshorn -- who turned NCGenWeb into the laughing stock of the USGenWeb years ago, by personally seeing to it that somewhere between 16 and 23 CCs and Co-CCs were either expelled with no fair hearing, or resigned out of disgust over his antics.

By investigating several archives we discover Susan to be Susan Jones, who joined appears to have joined the NCGenWeb in September, 2001 as a Co-CC. A quiet CC since the 1st quarter of 2003 (which is March by my calendar, or June by the GC's calendar), who seems to be content with minding her own business, seldom posting to the NCGenWeb list. Attempts by this reporter to pry information out of Susan, have failed.

Further investigation shows that in March 2008, before the current NCGenWeb Dictator, Diane "Hatchet Job" Siniard took over, there was only one county up for adoption. Today, October 17, 2009 there are 15. What happened? We already know from the Discuss list messages that at least one CC, Sandy Bolick, was expelled by Siniard with no fair hearing.

Is this corruption? We report, you decide! Diane Siniard is also the chairperson of the Grievance Committee, in charge of making sure that CCs receive fair hearings.

From Discuss we also learn that at least one CC resigned out of disgust over the new NCGenWeb rules imposed upon the CCs, by Diane Siniard. We can make an educated guess that Susan Jones was also expelled with no fair hearing, or quit out of disgust. From our sources we learn that several other NCGenWeb CCs, some being with the Project since nearly the beginning, quit out of disgust.

Does this help make NCGenWeb look good? Or is Siniard simply contesting Hartshorn's position of being the worst NCGenWeb SC? According to the USGenWeb Bylaws all CCs have the right to a fair hearing before being expelled, and the AB oversees the GC. What sort of image does the USGenWeb present to the rest of the world, when the chairperson of the GC is allowed by the AB, to break the USGenWeb rules? We report, YOU decide!

October 29, 2009

New Home 2

As we mentioned in our May 2007 post, this Blog and our companion Web site are now the new homes of Next month we will be rebilding the original Web site. It is our opinion that Stalkers should be preserved as a part of the history of the USGenWeb. The new Web site will also be used to preserve other aspects of the history of the USGenWeb. We can't fix USGenWeb problems by hiding them, or by ignoring them; but rather by exposing them sometimes with satire, and sometimes with the brutal truth

Mary Emaline White